Social posters
This section consist a selection of social posters designed as a reaction for specific historical events and social movements. As one said: design won't save the world. But in many cases can help express the idea and emotions of a larger group.
Some of posters have become a face a movement like the one called: Enought This cartel has been spread through the internet, became the trasparent during the street protests, has been placed in people's window in the act of protest against tightening of anti abortion right in Poland during the Women's Strike that has been started by Black Monday in 2020 on the street across Poland. It was avaible for free at Pogotowie Graficzne which is run by Marta Ludwiszewska (creator and coordinator of Pogotowie Graficzne, a poster campaign supporting social initiatives).
Another one called Fire in veins. Ten Fingers. Loud Thoughts. Raised Fist. is a visual manifest of the women's right to express her thoughts, beliefs and emotions in the modern world, where despite many social changes, it is still perceived negatively in many places in the world, including Poland. It has been prepared for the exhibition (held in Wrocław, Poland) called Let's punk curated by Iwona Matkowska. It also has been exhibited in the main section during Polish Poster Biennale and has been selected as one of 25 representants for the Polish exibition Cartel Polaco at Uruguay Cartel (the exhibition has been curated by Agnieszka Ziemiszewska & Eduardo Davit).